The Trojan War: The Greeks

This TrojanMUN, JCC delegates will embark on a legendary journey to ancient times, amidst the epic saga of the Trojan War, a conflict immortalized by Homer's Iliad. This monumental war between the Greeks (Achaeans) and the Trojans, sparked by the abduction of Helen by Paris of Troy, has captured the imagination of history and literature for centuries. From strategic sieges and heroic duels to the divine interventions of gods, this conflict epitomizes the complexities of honor, valor, and betrayal in the pursuit of glory and love.

As a valiant warrior of the Greek coalition, you will be called upon to support King Agamemnon and the mightiest of heroes, Achilles, in their quest to breach the walls of Troy and reclaim Helen. Your objectives may appear straightforward, but the path to victory is fraught with challenges. The war is not only fought on the battlefield but also in the minds and hearts of men, influenced by the capricious whims of gods.

Delegates must navigate the delicate balance of alliance and rivalry within the Greek ranks, manage the morale of their troops amidst prolonged warfare, and exploit the weaknesses of the Trojan enemy. Cunning strategy, diplomatic finesse, and unwavering courage will be your tools in this ancient game of power and prestige.

As the shores of Troy loom on the horizon and the clash of steel echoes through the ages, the fate of the Greek endeavor rests in your hands. Welcome to a time of legendary heroes and timeless conflicts. Will you secure your place in the annals of history, leading the Greeks to a glorious victory, or will the walls of Troy stand tall against your efforts? The saga of the Trojan War awaits your command, and the legacy of ancient Greece is yours to shape.