The Trojan War: The Gods

In this TrojanMUN, JCC delegates will ascend to the lofty heights of Olympus, entering the realm of the gods, where divine machinations influence the mortal world below. Amidst the backdrop of the Trojan War, a conflict that has gripped both heaven and earth, the gods play a pivotal role in shaping the course of battle between the Greeks and Trojans. This celestial committee is not merely about overseeing the mortal fray but actively participating in the intricate dance of fate, honor, and vengeance.

As a deity of the Greek pantheon, you wield immense power and influence over the events unfolding on the plains of Troy. Your allegiances, whether to the besieging Greeks or the stalwart Trojans, are fueled by personal vendettas, ancient rivalries, and the capricious nature of divine whim. The objectives before you are layered in complexity, as you seek to advance your own divine agenda while managing the delicate balance of power that governs the gods themselves.

Delegates will engage in ethereal diplomacy, forge and break ancient pacts, and employ their divine attributes to sway the tide of war subtly or overtly. The art of divine intervention requires finesse, for each action must consider the weave of fate and the potential repercussions among mortals and deities alike. As the war rages below, the heavens themselves may tremble with the fallout of your decisions. Welcome to a domain where the boundary between deity and mortal blurs, and where the outcome of the Trojan War hinges not just on human endeavor but on divine will. Will you maneuver to ensure the fall or salvation of Troy, or will your actions herald a different catastrophe altogether?

The pantheon awaits your ascension, and the fate of gods and men lies in the balance. Your divine saga begins now, where the whispers of Olympus shape the annals of history and the destinies of those caught in the tempest of divine intrigue.